
Showing posts with the label Panic Disorders


Agoraphobia: The term agora is derived from a Greek word which means public sequare and word phobia means fear. So the Agoraphobia is a psychological disorder in which the individual feels severe anxiety in open places, shopping malls, public transit and being outside his home. When the person with this psychological disorder goes to an environment which is unfamiliar to him and he feels the environment unsafe for him, then he feels anxiety. In severe anxiety it turns into a panic attack. Travelling, crowds (social anxiety) or open spaces are triggering agents for creating severed anxiety. Once a person with this psychological disorder has a panic attack at a place he may avoid to go there again as he thought that when he goes to that  place he can experienced panic attack again. So the real fear is about having another panic attack. Some individuals due to great fear of leaving their comfort area refused to leave their home even in medical emergency. Social Agoraphobia: The per

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders : In psychological disorders Anxiety disorders are main group. Anxiety is experienced by every person in his daily life. Anxiety stimulates us to take actions—like watching our weight, preparing for exams, showing up to work on time. Although anxiety is commonly experienced but the anxiety disorders creates significant distress. Anxiety disorders are the most common among all psychological disorders. It is estimated that 25%–30% of the U.S. population during their lifetime meets the criterion for at least one anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are experienced more in women than men. Anxiety disorders beside other psychological disorders include phobias, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Phobia : phobia is Greek word which means fear. People with specific phobia experienced distressing and persistent fear or anxiety of a specific object and situation. So people with specific phobia avoid the object or situation which creates