
Showing posts from 2020

Dyscalculia:Math learning Disability, Symptoms and Treatments

Dyscalculia:Math learning Disability, Symptoms and Treatments. Dyscalculia : Dyscalculia is a math learning disability     that disrupts a person's capacity of learning number-related concepts, perform , reason and problem solve, and accurate math calculations and perform other basic math skills. Dyscalculia is usually known as "number dyslexia” or ‘math dyslexia” In approximately 11 percent of children dyscalculia is co morbidly  present with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). A few number of further learning disorders, like dyslexia and dysgraphia  , are also present. Approximately  45 percent of the children having ADHD also have  some learning disorder. Dyscalculia is a condition that is linked with the brain that makes basic arithmetic complicated to learn. Dyscalculia generally  run in families, however the researchers have not find any genes associated with it. Approximately   7% of the students of e...

Delusional Disorder: Symptoms, Types and Treatments

Delusional Disorder: Symptoms, Types and Treatments Delusional disorder formerly known as paranoid disorder. Delusional disorder is a form of severe mental illness known as “psychosis” in this disorder an individual cannot differentiate between what is real from what is imagined. The major characteristic of delusional disorder is the occurrence of delusions that are constant beliefs in somewhat untrue. Individuals having delusional disorder incident non-bizarre delusions that involve condition that might occur in real life, like the person chased, deceived, conspired against, poisoned or loved from a distance. These delusions generally involve the misconception of experiences or perceptions.  Diagnostic criteria according to DSM-5 :   A. The occurrence of one and more delusions with an interval of one month or longer. B. Criterion A used for schizophrenia was never be meet. Note: If Hallucinations present then they are not in major form and are associated with t...

Delirium: Symptoms, Types and Treatments

Delirium: Symptoms, Types and Treatments Delirium is an immediate change in the brain that leads to emotional disruption and mental confusion. It makes it strenuous to  sleep,    remember,think , pay attention and more. Delirium generally leads to limited awareness of the environment and confused thinking. The onset of delirium is generally rapid  usually occurs within hours or a few days. One or more contributing factors of Delirium can often be traced, such as a alcohol or drug intoxication or withdrawal, chronic or severe  illness, medication metabolic unbalance (such as low sodium), infection and surgery. Types of delirium : Categorizatin  of  Delirium  is based on its severity,cause and characteristics:- Delirium tremens: Delirium tremens is a severe type of the delirium experienced by individuals who are trying to stop drinking. Generally, they have been drinking huge amounts of alcohol for several years. Hyperactive delirium...

Dementia: Symptoms and Treatments

Dementia: Symptoms and Treatments   Dementia : Dementia is the syndrome including the symptoms of deterioration in thinking and in behavior ,the ability in performing daily tasks and memory       The dementia generally affects  people of older age but dementia is not a normal part of ageing. Approximately 50 million individuals in the World have dementia and approximately every year there are about 10 million new cases.  The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease and may comprises of 60–70% of cases. Dementia is among  the main reason  of  dependency and disability  in the people of older age worldwide . Dementia has a psychological, economic, social, and  physical  impact, not only on the people of dementia, as well as on their  careers and society  and families on  large scale . Symptoms of Dementia : Early stage:  Usually the  initial stage of dementia is generally overlooked, ...

Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatments.

Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatments Definition: Depression is a unipolar mood disorder described through persistent loss of interest and low mood  linked  with somatic symptoms like  difficulty in sleeping, decreased energy and weight loss. Depression is also called major depressive disorder (MDD). Depression change an individual’s actions and thoughts to  the extent that he will be unable to perform daily tasks. Diagnostic Criteria according to DSM-5  : A. During the conssective 2-weeks five (and more) of the subsequent symptoms must be present:   change in prior functioning in at least one of the symptoms must be present: (1) loss of  pleasure  or interest  and may be (2) depressed mood. Note: Symptoms evidently attributable to some other medical condition must be excluded. 1. During the day,   and about   every day the depressed mood must be present as reported either by the subj...

Borderline Perosnality Disorder: Symptoms , Causes And Treatment

Borderline Perosnality Disorder: Symptoms , Causes And Treatment Borderline Personality Disorder : Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also called emotionally unstable personality disorder  is a psychological disorder defined by a long-term pattern of unstable relationships, strong emotional reactions and distorted sense of self. There is often self-harm and other dangerous behavior. The term "borderline" originally came into use when clinicians thought of patients as being on the border between neurotic and psychotic - having displayed both neurotic and psychotic symptoms. Signs and symptoms : As personality is still developing in the developmental  years so BPD is not generally diagnosed in children or adolescents. Symptoms which may look like borderline personality disorder may resolve as children get older. Impairments in self functioning: Identity: Unstable and p oorly developed  image of self    generally extremely  self-critical , think...