Borderline Perosnality Disorder: Symptoms , Causes And Treatment

Borderline Perosnality Disorder:
Symptoms , Causes And Treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder:

Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also called emotionally unstable personality disorder  is a psychological disorder defined by a long-term pattern of unstable relationships, strong emotional reactions and distorted sense of self. There is often self-harm and other dangerous behavior.
The term "borderline" originally came into use when clinicians thought of patients as being on the border between neurotic and psychotic - having displayed both neurotic and psychotic symptoms.

Signs and symptoms:

As personality is still developing in the developmental  years so BPD is not generally diagnosed in children or adolescents. Symptoms which may look like borderline personality disorder may resolve as children get older.

Impairments in self functioning:

Unstable and poorly developed image of self    generally extremely  self-critical , thinking of emptiness , states of dissociative due to  stress.

Changing goals, values, aspirations, or career plans.

Impairments in interpersonal functioning:

They are  unable to recognize the others needs and feelings.

 Unstable and Intense close relationships, featured by  conflict, mistrust, concerns and neediness about being abandoned. Close relationships fluctuate between over-involvement and withdrawal.

Pathological personality traits:

These include:

1.Highly changeable emotions
3.Separation insecurity
4.Often depressed mood

Disinhibition, characterized by:

act impulsively
take risks

Antagonism, characterized by:


Along with the impairments in personality traits and as well as in personality  are:

1. Reasonably constant during various time periods and in various circumstances.

2.Not consistent with the individual's developmental stage or place in society.

3.Not solely due to the use of drugs or other substances, or a medical condition


Mental health professionals believed that BPD is developed by  genetically predisposed genes along  with  factors of the  environmental enhanced the risk. In the development of BPD three main factors have been studied that may be play an important role:


Twins studies with BPD revealed that it is an  inherited condition due to predisposition .

Environmental (social) factors:

Unstable family relationships, child abuse, and neglect have been associated with an increased risk of BPD.

Brain abnormalities:

Borderline Perosnality has been linked, the studies suggests  with the changes to some parts of the brain responsible for the regulation of emotion.

Most of the individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder have a close  relative who has a mental disorder like Bipolar Disorder,  ADHD, Schizophrenia and  ADHD,.


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