
Showing posts from April, 2018

Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders :     These are psychological disorders in which individuals exhibit  a personality style that differs markedly from the expectations of their culture, is pervasive and inflexible, begins in adolescence or early adulthood, and causes distress or impairment. Usually persons with these psychological disorders shows personality styles that are severally troubling creating problems not only themselves but also for others. Due to these psychological disorders the persons remains in conflicts with others   these psychological disorders also disrupt their ability to develop and maintain relationships with others. In the fifth edition of diagnostic and statistical manual of psychological disorders  ten personality disorders are mentioned which are divided into three clusters. Cluster A : This cluster contain psychological disorders like  paranoid personality disorder   ,  schizoid personality disorder   , and schizotypal pe...

Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative Disorders :   are psychological disorders that are characterized by a person becoming split off, or dissociated, from her core sense of self. The person's memory and his core sense of self become disturbed and it is because of psychological cause without any physical cause. Dissiciatve Amensia: is a psychological disorder in which the person may partially or completely forget some event. An individual with this psychological disorder is unable to recall important personal information and this is due to some traumatic event such as natural disasters, combat or becoming the victim of voilance experienced by the person. Dissociative Fugue : From french word which means to flee. It is a psychological disorder in  which the person who is suffering from dissociative Amensia suddenly wander away from his home forgetting his identity or he may adopt a new identity. Depersonalization/derealization disorder   is a psychological disorder characterized by recurrin...


Schizophrenia :  is a psychological disorder that is associated with major disturbances in thought, perception, emotion, and behavior. About 1% of the population has the occurrence of schizophrenia in their lifetime, and generally the disorder is initially diagnosed during early adulthood (early to mid-20s). Most people with schizophrenia show significant difficulties in their daily activities, such as paying bills, holding a job, caring for oneself (grooming and hygiene), and maintaining relationships with others.  Symptoms Of Schizophrenia The major symptoms of schizophrenia contain hallucinations, disorganized thinking, delusions, abnormal   or disorganized motor behavior, and negative symptoms. Hallucinations : is a perceptual experience without any external stimuli. Hallucinations may be auditory hearing of the different voices. Visual hallucinations seeing things that doesn't exist. Olfactory hallucinations smelling different fragrances. But the mos...

Mood Disorders

Mood Disorders  : can be described by severe disturbances in emotions and mood—mainly  depression, it also include elation and mania. We usually experience fluctuations in our emotional states and moods, and repeatedly by events these fluctuations occurred in our lives. Depressive disorders:   Depression  is the main feature among the depressive disorders. Depression is a term that, in usually refers to an intense and persistent sadness. Depression is an assorted mood state which consists of a wide range of symptoms that vary in the level of severity. Depressed people experience hopelessness, discouraged and sad. These persons lost their interest in activities of life which they once enjoyed. They frequently experience a decline in drives like sex and hunger, and often doubt their personal worth. People feel depressed most of the day nearly every day for at least 2 weeks. Diagnosis : weight loss or weight gain. Sleeplessness or sleeping too much. Psychomotor agit...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)   : Extremely stressful or traumatic events, such as , natural disasters and combat  etc take the people who experience them at an increased risk for developing psychological disorders  such as posttraumatic stress disorder. The disorder was called  combat neurosis and  shell shock   and   in   20th century In previous DSM editions PTSD was listed along with the anxiety disorders. In DSM-5, at the present PTSD is listed within a group known as Trauma-and-Stressor-Related Disorders.  For the diagnosis of PTSD, a person must be experience exposed to or witness, the facts of a traumatic experience (for example a first responder). The person may expose to sexual violence, serious injury and threat of death.  Symptoms  of PTSD contain disturbing and upsetting memories of the incident,  flashbacks (condition that can end starting from a few seconds for a number of days, throughout the p...

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders : In psychological disorders Anxiety disorders are main group. Anxiety is experienced by every person in his daily life. Anxiety stimulates us to take actions—like watching our weight, preparing for exams, showing up to work on time. Although anxiety is commonly experienced but the anxiety disorders creates significant distress. Anxiety disorders are the most common among all psychological disorders. It is estimated that 25%–30% of the U.S. population during their lifetime meets the criterion for at least one anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are experienced more in women than men. Anxiety disorders beside other psychological disorders include phobias, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Phobia : phobia is Greek word which means fear. People with specific phobia experienced distressing and persistent fear or anxiety of a specific object and situation. So people with specific phobia avoid the object or situation which cre...

Psychological Disorders

Human psyche has always been a main focus of all theoretical origins. Incident Greek philosophers set many theories of mind and body. The relationship between mind and body was mistereous since now as new advanced methods to study human mind are in function now using MRI, EEG,CT scan we still know a little bit about how our mind functions. Human beings are vulnerable to different psychological disorders from their origin to since now. Abnormal behaviour is the behaviour which deviate from a social norms so it is  more than that. A  psychological disorder       is a situation described as an abnormal feelings,  behaviors and  thoughts.  Psychopathology   is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms, etiology       (i.e., their causes), and treatment.  Anxiety disorders  are a group of disorders in which a person experiences excessive, persistent, and distressing fear and anxiety t...