Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders:   These are psychological disorders in which individuals exhibit a personality style that differs markedly from the expectations of their culture, is pervasive and inflexible, begins in adolescence or early adulthood, and causes distress or impairment. Usually persons with these psychological disorders shows personality styles that are severally troubling creating problems not only themselves but also for others.
Due to these psychological disorders the persons remains in conflicts with others   these psychological disorders also disrupt their ability to develop and maintain relationships with others. In the fifth edition of diagnostic and statistical manual of psychological disorders  ten personality disorders are mentioned which are divided into three clusters.
Cluster A: This cluster contain psychological disorders like paranoid personality disorder schizoid personality disorder , andschizotypal personality disorder . Individuals having these psychological disorders  show the personality style which is ecentric and odd.
Cluster B: This cluster contain psychological disorders like histrionic personality disorder, naracissnarc personality disorder, borderline personality disorder and anti social personality disorder. Individuals having these psychological disorders are usually dramatic, impulsive, highly emotional and erratic. 
Cluster C: This cluster include psychological disorders like dependent personality disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder (different from obsessive compulsive disorders), avoident personality disorder.
People with these psychological disorders usually appear fearful and nervous.
Treatment: There is no specific Madication for the treatment of these psychological disorders. But the use of antidepressants may reduce the associated conditions like depression and anxiety or to help individuals to cope with the symptoms.
The combination of medication and psychotherapies show the best results for the cure of these psychological disorders.


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