Psychological Disorders

Human psyche has always been a main focus of all theoretical origins. Incident Greek philosophers set many theories of mind and body. The relationship between mind and body was mistereous since now as new advanced methods to study human mind are in function now using MRI, EEG,CT scan we still know a little bit about how our mind functions.
Human beings are vulnerable to different psychological disorders from their origin to since now.
Abnormal behaviour is the behaviour which deviate from a social norms so it is  more than that.
psychological disorder    is a situation described as an abnormal feelings, behaviors and thoughts. Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms,etiology    (i.e., their causes), and treatment. 
Anxiety disorders are a group of disorders in which a person experiences excessive, persistent, and distressing fear and anxiety that interferes with normal functioning. 
Obsessive compulsive disorders are a group of overlapping disorders that generally involve intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors. So washing hands again and again.
Post Traumatic stress disorder is result of an extremely stressful or traumatic events, such as combat and natural disasters place the people who experience them. 

Mood disorders shows the symptoms like severe disturbances in emotions and mood—mainly depression, but also elation and mania.

Schizophrenia is an overwhelming psychological disorder that shows the symptoms of major disturbances in perception, emotion, thought and behavior.

Dissociative disorders are described by a person becoming  or dissociated and split off from his or her core sense of self. Identity and memory become disturbed; these disturbances have no physical cause but the psychological cause.

Personality disorders persons with personality disorders display a personality style that causes distress, impairment and is inflexible, and creates problems for others and also for themselves.

Treatments : No doubt using different medicine for the treatment of psychological disorder gives great improvements but besides that without any side effects many psychotherapies giving the same results of improvements. concerning the  different behaviour therapies, behaviour modification techniques and CBT cognitive behaviour therapy  showing excellent results in the treatment of various psychological disorders.

Hipnotherapy, family therapy, rational emotive behaviour therapy etc adding great in treatment of psychological disorders.



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