
Showing posts from May, 2018


Claustrophobia  is basically a fear of enclosed spaces and in  it the person is not able to escape from the place. It may be shown in many situations or stimuli, like crowded to capacity, elevator,  even tight-necked clothing and rooms without window. It was initially a kind of an Anxiety Disorders, that can lead to panic attacks. The onset of claustrophobia is linked not only a single factor but is associated with many factors including a genetic predisposition to fear from enclosed spaces, small size of the amygdala or classical conditioning. A study revealed that approximately 5–7% of the total population of the world may be  affected by severe form of claustrophobia. Inspire of that only a small number of the population  hardly receive any form  of treatment for this psychological disorder. Claustrophobia has the two major symptoms of :  fear of restriction and  fear of suffocation. The Fear of restriction is exhibited by the follo...


Catatonia  is a condition of neurogenic motor immobility and behavioural abnormality  exhibit by stupor. It was in 1874 was described for the first time in the history  by Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum . Catatonia has not been included in DSM 5 as a specific disorder and  still it is associated with psychiatric conditions like Schizophrenia, Substance Abuse Disorders Bipolar Disorder,  Catatonic Type, Depression, Narcolepsy, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,   and further psychological Disorders. It may be caused by an  adverse reaction of some medications. Persons having Catatonia may exhibit persistent hyperactive motor activity or severe loss of motor skill. Without noticing external stimuli the person with this psychological disorder may persist in rigid posture for many hours . The individuals with this mental disorder display stereotyped repetitive movements. The individuals may also repeat  phrases without any meanings. Symptoms comprise...

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa , also called Bulimia. An Eating Disorder that is identified by binge eating accompanied l by purging.  Eating a large amount of food in a short time is referenced as Binge Eating however Purging signifies the struggle to get rid of the food consumed. This can be done through taking laxatives or vomitting . Different  attempts to lose weight are the use of  stimulants,  diuretics,  excessive exercise or water fasting. Many individuals  having Bulimia are at a normal weight. The compelling of vomiting can show thickened skin on the knuckles and breakdown of the teeth. Bulimia Nervosa is mostly linked with other Mental Disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, and problems associated with drugs or alcohol. They are at a higher risk of suicide and self-harm. Bulimia Nervosa is more predictable among those having a close relative with the condition. The percentage risk due to genetics is between 30% and 80%. Some other risk elem...

Alcohol Use Disorders

Alcohol use disorder   is a psychological disorder which is among group of alcohol-related disorders. This is a psychological disorder in which a person has a  problematic pattern of alcohol use which leads to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by among  the following   at least two symptoms must  shown for the duration of one year. The use of alcohol in larger amounts or for a long period than was intended. Unsuccessful efforts or constant desire to control alcohol use. The individual having Alcohol Use Disorder  utilize most of  the part of his time  in activities required to obtain alcohol, use alcohol, or recover from its effects. Uncontrollable desire or urge to use alcohol. Recurrent use of alcohol which results in a failure to maintain important role obligations at home, school, or work.   D ue to persistent  use of alcohol s ocial or interpersonal problems are developed. Major social, occ...

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder , also called M anic Depression , is a psychological disorder which creates periods of elevated mood and periods of Depression. The significant elevated mood is divided into two types depending upon its level of severity and present symptoms of Psychosis known as  Hypomania or Mania.A person feels or behaves abnormally happy, irritable or energetic during Mania. The persons with this Mental disorder make decisions with poor thought or without thinking about consequences. During Manic phases the the sleep requirements generally reduced. The symptoms of Depression include poor eye contact with other persons, crying  and a negative interpretation of life.The individuals having this Mental illness are at an extensive risk of suicide greater than 6% over 20 year. Self harm happens in 30-40 percent. Further Mental health conditions like Substance Use Disorder and Anxiety Disorders are generally related. Genetic and environmental factors contribute in the ...

Autophagia ( Impulse Control Disorder)

Autophagia ( Impulse Control Disorder)   Autophagia   (eating one's own body) is classified in Impulse Control Disorders in DSM-5. In Impulse Control Disorders the person  fail to resist an impulse and temptation to display an act which is harmful to others and himself as well. Persons having this mental illness feel tension before performing an act but he feels pleasure while committing the act. After completing the act the individual doesn't feel regret and guilty. This mental illness occurs when an individual compelled himself to pain by biting or devouring parts of his body. It may be present with Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Lesh-Nyhan Syndrome. There are many causes behind this psychological disorder.   Treatment: Treatment of this psychological disorder only when it has other symptoms with it like Obsessive Compulsive Disorders or Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorders.  It is the job of psychologists to use the combination of psychotherapy and medicatio...

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Avoidant Personality Disorder ( AVPD ) is among cluster C personality disorders. The person with this psychological disorder generally show behaviour having a pattern of social inhibition, feelings inferiority and of  inadequacy , extremely sensitive to evaluating negatively  and despite a strong desire to be close to others they avoid social interactions. Persons with this psychological disorder tend to show themselves as  anxious,  uneasy, lonely, and isolated from society. The symptoms generally started in early adulthood, and happens with variations according to the situations. Individuals  with this mental disorder usually feel themselves inept to be social. The fear of being rejected, disliked, humiliated and  ridiculed  is the main cause of their Avoidant personality disorder. This mental illness can co-ocurred with Bipolar Disorders, Depression and Anxiety Disorders. Research suggests that 20-40 percent people having social anxiety, so Avoid...

Anterograde Amnesia

Anterograde Amnesia In Anterograde Amnesia the individual is not be able to recall recent past. The ability of developing new memories has become lost or this may be the consequence of some event. But after the event the individual stuck with the long term memory. In the degree of forgetfulness there may be present some variations among the person's experiencing Anterograde Amnesia syndrome.  Anterograde Amensia Sometimes combined form of Retrograde Amnesia and Anterograde Amnesia called Global Amensia is present in the individuals having severe symptoms.  Procedural memory also known as nondeclarative is retained however declarative memory is generally lost in few patients. Usually they forget daily activities. Anterograde Amnesia may be due to the effect of two type of medication like benzodiazepines and other are Z-drug or non-benzodiazepine sedatives.  The hippocampus and associated cortex damage may  be developed into Anterograde Amnesia. Anterograde Amn...

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder Antisocial Personality Disorder is also called Sociopathy, Psychopathy or Dyssocial personality disorder. The main feature of this psychological disorder is a pattern of disregard for and violation of others rights. This psychological disorder usually begins in adolescence and childhood and continued to adulthood. Persons with this Mental illness with respect to lawful behaviour are unable to follow social norms. They continuesly engaged in activities that are ground for arrest.  These activities include Pursuing illegal occupation, harassing others, stealing and destruction of others properties. They usually disregard other person's feelings, rights and wishes. They only want to gain personal pleasure and profit. They usually made decisions at a spur of the moment without paying attention to consequences to others and self. This type of behaviour results into immediately  change of relationship, residence or job. Individuals with antisocial Per...

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a Mental illness in which the person has intense fear of weight gain and the self perception about shape and weight becomes disturbed. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder which is simply known as A norexia. The individual exhibit behaviour which has intrusion with weight gain. The individual having  Anorexia Nervosa is not be able to continue with his minimum  weight of the  body  which  is regarding to his developmental trajectory,  sex, physical health and  age . The individual having anorexia nervosa has to  meet the criteria may have prominent loss of  weight thus in children and  adolescents    the failure to maintain minimum amount of weight which  is necessary   feature. The terror of becoming fat is so powerful that it may not be eliminated by losing actual weight.  The concern of the person about weight gain may increases when he generally losing weight. Some young persons may u...

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease   ( AD ) is also called  Alzheimer's , is a chronic neurodegenerative disease which at its  starts develop slowly and with the passage of time it gets worse. About 60% to 80% of cases of dementia are caused by Alzheimer's. Its primary symptoms include decline in short term memory. The person with this psychological disorder is unable to recall recent events. But as the disease advances the symptoms may include , disorientation including risk to lost easily ,  language problems, unable to manage behavioural issues and self care, mood  swings and loss of motivation. They usually withdraw from family and society as the disease advances. Body functions are lost consistently which leads person to death. There are variations in its progression. The overall expectancy of life after diagnosis is three to nine years. The death of the brain cells is the main cause of Alzheimer's, this progressive brain cell's death happens with the passage of time t...

Alcohol Intoxication

Alcohol Intoxication The essential part of alcohol intoxication is the  occurrence  of clinically prominent problematic psychological or  behavioral  changes ( For example  impaired social or occupational function, improper sexual or aggressive behavior, impaired judgment and mood liability ) that exhibited shortly after  or during the alcohol ingestion. These modifications are in addition related with evidence of impaired judgment and functioning or at some instances intoxication is so brutal that it can lead to life-threatening coma. The symptoms should not be linked to another medical condition (for example diabetic ketoacidosis).The symptoms may not link intoxication of other depressant drugs like benzodiazepines. The individual with alcohol intoxication has an incoordination of such a great degree that it might disturb the driving capability and routine of every day performance to such an extent that can lead to accidents. Thus the eviden...

Adjustment Disorder (AD)

Adjustment Disorder  ( AD )—also known as reactive , or  situational depression or exogenous,  This psychological disorder experienced by a person who is not able cope or adjust to a specific stress or an important life event. Individuals experiencing this psychological disorder usually have symptoms that depressed people do, like  feelings of hopelessness, crying and usual  loss of interest.  This psychological disorder is also called  situational depression. This psychological disorder is caused by an outside stressor unlike depression and  when the person is able to adapt the situation then this psychological disorder is also resolved.  Suicidal behavior is common among individuals of all ages with this psychological disorder, and about one-fifth of adolescent suicide victims have an adjustment disorder. There are six types of AD  mentioned in the DSM 4 , which are characterized by the following symptoms: m ixed disturbance ...


Agoraphobia: The term agora is derived from a Greek word which means public sequare and word phobia means fear. So the Agoraphobia is a psychological disorder in which the individual feels severe anxiety in open places, shopping malls, public transit and being outside his home. When the person with this psychological disorder goes to an environment which is unfamiliar to him and he feels the environment unsafe for him, then he feels anxiety. In severe anxiety it turns into a panic attack. Travelling, crowds (social anxiety) or open spaces are triggering agents for creating severed anxiety. Once a person with this psychological disorder has a panic attack at a place he may avoid to go there again as he thought that when he goes to that  place he can experienced panic attack again. So the real fear is about having another panic attack. Some individuals due to great fear of leaving their comfort area refused to leave their home even in medical emergency. Social Agoraphobia: The...

Acute Stress Reaction

Acute Stress Reaction. Acute  stress reaction  (also known as  psychological shock ,    acute stress disorder,  simply  shock or  mental shock ) is a psychological disorder results in response of a traumatic or terrifying event, or witnessing a traumatic event that develops a powerful emotional response in the person. Acute Stress Reaction can not be confused with the  situations of shock/ hypoperfusion. Acute stress reaction an be emerged through delayed stress reaction and  c an be lead to PTSD if stress is not managed timely. Symptoms: The symptoms of acute dress reaction are mentioned below:  psychogenic amnesia; emotional detachment; numbing; depersonalisation; derealization; mutness;  consistently re-experiencing of the event through dreams, thoughts and flashbacks; and avoidance of any stimulation that reminds the individuals of the event. While having Acute Stress Reaction the person may have the anxiety prob...

Intellectual Disability

Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) :  is a psychological disorder it occurs during the developmental period this psychological disorder includes both intellectual and adaptive functioning deficits in conceptual, social, and practical domains. The following three criteria must be met: A.   The child with this psychological disorder shows the deficits in intellectual functions, such as problem solving, reasoning,planning, judgment,  abstract thinking, academic learning and learning from experience. That is confirmed by both clinical assessment and individualized, standardized intelligence testing. B. The child wth this psychological disorder show deficits in adaptive functioning that result in failure to meet developmental and sociocultural standards for personal independence and social responsibility. Without any support the adaptive deficits reduce functioning in one or more activities of daily life, like social participation, communic...

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder : Among all psychological disorders Autism spectrum disorder is most difficult to understand as it is a puzzling disorder. This psychological disorder  is considered neuro-developmental, that is, it is something that is apparent from childhood and continues throughout the person’s life, it impacts on intellectual, emotional, social, physical or motor skills. Usually we say autism is present when we see certain  patterns of behaviour . But we shouldn’t say that  every person  with autism is the same. Children with this psychological disorder show signs of significant disturbances in three main areas: (a) deficits in social interaction, (b) deficits in communication, and (c) repetitive patterns of behavior or interests.  Deficit in social interaction :   The child with this psychological disorder might exhibit deficit in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children or turning their head away when spoken to...

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental Disorders : Most of the psychological disorders are diagnosed in adulthood although they sometimes occurred in childhood but the psychological disorders that can be diagnosed in early childhood usually before child reaches the school going age are called neurodevelopmental disorders. These psychological disorders involved developmental problems in personal, academic social and intellectual functioning. Neurodevelopment disorder is a cluster of situations through onset during period of developmental. The Neurodevelopmental Disorders are usually display in the  early  developmental period, generally prior to  the child entrance to grade school, and are described through  deficits in developmental period which creates  impairments of , social, academic,occupational or personal  functioning. The array of deficits in development diverges from very precise restrictions of learning and maybe control of executive functions to universal impairment...