Claustrophobia is basically a fear of enclosed spaces and in it the person is not able to escape from the place. It may be shown in many situations or stimuli, like crowded to capacity, elevator, even tight-necked clothing and rooms without window. It was initially a kind of an Anxiety Disorders, that can lead to panic attacks. The onset of claustrophobia is linked not only a single factor but is associated with many factors including a genetic predisposition to fear from enclosed spaces, small size of the amygdala or classical conditioning. A study revealed that approximately 5–7% of the total population of the world may be affected by severe form of claustrophobia. Inspire of that only a small number of the population hardly receive any form of treatment for this psychological disorder. Claustrophobia has the two major symptoms of : fear of restriction and fear of suffocation. The Fear of restriction is exhibited by the follo...