Anterograde Amnesia

Anterograde Amnesia
In Anterograde Amnesia the individual is not be able to recall recent past. The ability of developing new memories has become lost or this may be the consequence of some event. But after the event the individual stuck with the long term memory. In the degree of forgetfulness there may be present some variations among the person's experiencing Anterograde Amnesia syndrome. 
Anterograde Amensia
Sometimes combined form of Retrograde Amnesia and Anterograde Amnesia called Global Amensia is present in the individuals having severe symptoms.  Procedural memory also known as nondeclarative is retained however declarative memory is generally lost in few patients. Usually they forget daily activities. Anterograde Amnesia may be due to the effect of two type of medication like benzodiazepines and other are Z-drug or non-benzodiazepine sedatives.  The hippocampus and associated cortex damage may  be developed into Anterograde Amnesia. Anterograde Amnesia can be a result of emotional disorders and shock.
No treatment for the individual having Anterograde Amnesia. 
Treatment contain the use of a vitamin thiamine . For better outcomes we can utilize the person's other mental capabilities .


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