Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder is also called Sociopathy, Psychopathy or Dyssocial personality disorder. The main feature of this psychological disorder is a pattern of disregard for and violation of others rights. This psychological disorder usually begins in adolescence and childhood and continued to adulthood. Persons with this Mental illness with respect to lawful behaviour are unable to follow social norms. They continuesly engaged in activities that are ground for arrest. 
These activities include Pursuing illegal occupation, harassing others, stealing and destruction of others properties. They usually disregard other person's feelings, rights and wishes. They only want to gain personal pleasure and profit. They usually made decisions at a spur of the moment without paying attention to consequences to others and self. This type of behaviour results into immediately  change of relationship, residence or job. Individuals with antisocial Personality usually aggressive or irritable behaviour which engaged them to physical fights. These persons repeatedly lai or milinger. They engaged in behaviour which can be harmful to others.
Treatment : It is the job of psychologists to treat this mental illness is through psychotherapy. Talk therapy proved to be very effective in treating this psychological disorder. It include treatment of substance abuse, violence and anger management etc.


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