Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a Mental illness in which the person has intense fear of weight gain and the self perception about shape and weight becomes disturbed. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder which is simply known as Anorexia.

The individual exhibit behaviour which has intrusion with weight gain. The individual having  Anorexia Nervosa is not be able to continue with his minimum  weight of the body which is regarding to his developmental trajectory,  sex, physical health and age. The individual having anorexia nervosa has to meet the criteria may have prominent loss of weight thus in children and adolescents  the failure to maintain minimum amount of weight which is necessary  feature.
The terror of becoming fat is so powerful that it may not be eliminated by losing actual weight. The concern of the person about weight gain may increases when he generally losing weight. Some young persons may unable to recognize the fear of weight gain. The persons with this psychological disorder  feels that their weight and shape of the  body is significantly distorted. Many individuals  experience  globally overweight. Some feel that they are thin but have to focus on specific body part that are too fat. They frequently note their weight of body, measure their size and constantly look into the mirror to see the areas of body appearing fat. The persons suffering with anorexia generally deny regarding their weight loss thus it is significant to get information regarding the history of person about loss of weight through some members of family.
Treatment of this psychological disorder involves combination of psychotherapy and Weight gain under strict supervision. Psychotherapies usually comprises of  behaviour therapy, talk therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy,.
It is the job of psychologists to start the treatment as soon as possible to avoid severe complications


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