Avoidant Personality Disorder

Avoidant Personality Disorder(AVPD) is among cluster C personality disorders. The person with this psychological disorder generally show behaviour having a pattern of social inhibition, feelings inferiority and of inadequacy , extremely sensitive to evaluating negatively  and despite a strong desire to be close to others they avoid social interactions. Persons with this psychological disorder tend to show themselves as  anxious,  uneasy, lonely, and isolated from society. The symptoms generally started in early adulthood, and happens with variations according to the situations. Individuals with this mental disorder usually feel themselves inept to be social. The fear of being rejected, disliked, humiliated and  ridiculed  is the main cause of their Avoidant personality disorder. This mental illness can co-ocurred with Bipolar Disorders, Depression and Anxiety Disorders.
Research suggests that 20-40 percent people having social anxiety, so Avoidant Personality Disorder is prevalent in individuals who have Social anxiety disorder and generalised personality disorder. 56% is the prevalence rate with Obsessive compulsive disorders. 
The main cause of this mental disorder is avoidance of feared stimulus. Other causes include peer group rejection and childhood emotional neglect ( specifically by parents). People with this psychological disorder usually consider themselves unworthy for the relationship. They select the jobs of isolation to avoid the people. According to DSM 5 data from the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions suggest a prevalence of about 2.4% for avoidant personality disorder.
Treatment: Medicines are not much effective in treating this mental disorder but if it co occurred with other psychological disorders like depression and anxiety then antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications should be prescribed. Psychotherapies like family therapy, career counseling and marriage counselling can give better outcome.


  1. Very informative and precise information about Avoident personality disorder.


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